
11 Apr 2021


9:00 pm - 9:45 pm

Online Vedic Maths Program (for 9 to 12 year olds)

This is a unique program for developing Mathematical Thinking and Calculation Skills

Mentored By:
Dr Aditi Singhal
(Guinness World Record Holder)

Topics to be covered
• Subtraction at one look
• Mental addition without finger counting
• Fastest methods of multiplication
• Finding squares in seconds
• Dodging times tables
• Calculating calendar of year 2021 in seconds
• Magic Squares
• Magic with numbers
• Thought provoking questions
• Experience WOW moments with Maths
• Values through Maths

Duration: 3 months
(on weekends- Saturday and Sunday)

Dates: 23rd January to 11th April
Time: 9:00pm – 9:45pm (IST)

Registration closed.

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/Chicago
  • Date: 11 Apr 2021
  • Time: 10:30 am - 11:15 am

For Any Query

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Nehal Khanna

    It was a fun camp .I really enjoyed it. I also got to learn new things . I always look forward have such camps .

  2. Shruti Khanna (Mother of Nehal Khanna)

    We attended the class for vedic maths. My daughter is in class 4 and academically doing very well but wasn’t at all good at mental maths. I have tried multiple times to make her do were all my attempts were completely unsuccessful, I wished she does well in maths but didn’t know how. Aditi Ma’am came as a blessing for me and my daughter and the way she taught was really encouraging and engaging and she started building up interest. She has become so confident that she is willing to do the course again. It’s a bright maths start for her. Thanks from the bottom if my heart to Ma’am!

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